Friday, November 16, 2007

A number of people have asked me who the tenants are in this "full" building. Starting on the South building---1st floor: Delaware Surgery Center--24,732 Sq feet; Walgreens Pharmacy-2,298 Sq feet: 2nd floor---Surgical Associates (Barnett, Wilson, Clements, Alvarado, Brebbia,

Ansari, Fisher & Sullivan)--8,308 Sq feet, Infertility Specialists--3,500 sq feet, Dr. Schmidt-5,387 Sq feet, Dr. Tenkala--1,485 Sq feet, Dr. Puri--3,352 Sq feet: 3rd floor--Dedicated to Women--15,412 Sq feet, Dr. Feurstein--1,173 sq feet, Drs. Glenn, Dominick, Fedalin-4,664 Sq feet.

North Building: 1st Floor-Cafe-544 Sq feet, Halpern Ophthamology--6,154 Sq feet, Urgent Care Center --4,431 Sq feet, Lab Corp 2,918 Sq feet, Bayhealth Radiology--8,998 Sq feet: 2nd floor--Urology Associates--13,771 Sq feet, Infusion Solutions-3,589 Sq feet, Orhtopaedics-Tooze, Easter, Manifold--1,839 Sq feet, Family Allergy and Asthma Care Consultants, LLC - Dr. Lakhani--2,793 sq feet: 3rd floor: Delaware Heart--Drs. Rippert and Abbressia-7,448 Sq feet, Dr. Barton, podiatry--3,892 Sq feet, Dr. Medlin Dental--2,762 Sq feet. In addition there is an 1,800 Sq foot conference room on the third floor and a 600 sq foot board room on the second floor all available to the tenants and the community. Tom Barnett

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Progress at Eden Hill

For those of you who live nearby, you know the building is progressing rapidly. There were 130 workers at the site today! We have been averaging 100 to 125 per day! BBL Medical facilities is doing a great job! They are well organized and handle/anticipate problems well. Sean and I met with the City of Dover today. They are very pleased with what they see. If anyone wants a tour of the site, please contact me. I would be glad to arrange.