Eden Hill Medical Center will occupy 11 of the 25.5 acres owned by Eden Hill Medical Center, LLC. Approximately 3 acres will be occupied by roads and greens. In addition a 5 acre perimeter will be owned and maintained by the state of Delaware and is planned "Green" for the future. This leaves approximately 12 acres for future development. The views shown here show the entire 30 acres being developed. It should also be noted Senators Carper and Biden were able to obtain a federal grant (for the City of Dover) to be put toward creating a road from route 8, connecting to the Banning street entrance of Eden Hill Medical Center.
The 140,000+ Sq foot Medical Center is 100% full. We are now working on our second medical office building on the campus. We expect the second building to be approximately 35,000 square feet and to be across the parking lot from the main building. Sean Mace (302-883-0059) has had contact from three interested parties thus far. The goal is for tenants to own a share of the entire complex thus making Eden Hill Medical Center mainly owned by the tenants in the medical office buildings. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Tom Barnett 302-674-0600.